Sunday, September 7, 2008


This post is dedicated to my friends...
My awesome sister-in-law joy who welcomed me into the blanchette clan before I ever knew I was going to be a part of it.My new sister-in-law Nikki, because I love her and she's super sweet not to mentioned beautiful!My friends who I could not have made it through college without: Krystal and Christina. We met in the dorms and it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.Yet another reason why I couldn't have made it through with out them....who else would have dressed up like this just for fun with me?
And then there's my Comms friends... the lovely Alicia...And of course Jacquelyn what would I do it without her? My partner in crime at the Daily Universe, my roommate, and my co-worker.

Thank you to all my friends. I love you all. You're awesome!


Goats in the Attic said...

What about me?

Anonymous said...

YAY! lol love you!