Wednesday, February 29, 2012


As of February 20th Ben and I have a new addition to the Family. Evie was born Monday February 20th at 2:43 pm after I arrived at the hospital at 11:30 pm the night before. She was born exactly on her due date and as my dad said she takes after the cooper side of the family and is already punctual. I want to thank the labor and delivery nurses at Timpanogos Hospital who took care of me, Ben and the Baby for the 4.5 days we were there. Also thank you to the Doctors who delivered my 7 lb 3 oz baby via c-section after a few hours of allowing me to push and getting no where. We survived and I'm grateful for the c-section because 7lbs is a lot of baby to come out of someone as small as me. That is the short and sweet version, maybe I'll put the longer one on another day.

Today little miss Evie is 10 days old and Ben and I are thrilled to be parents. We're even learning exactly how much sleep we need to function :). We love our little girl and are in constant awe of her cuteness and can't believe she's ours. She's also super low key and only gets upset if we don't feed or change her fast enough, the rest of the time she's happy or asleep. We couldn't ask for a better baby.

Also, a huge thank you to my dad and stepmom who arrived Friday, provided my favorite kind of food, spoiled the baby, and proceeded to clean and organize my home a million times better than it's ever been done. They flew out this morning and will be missed.

Now for some pictures:

This was her leaving the hospital outfit. She looked even cuter than we thought she would when we bought it.
She looks like me when I was a baby. Full head of black hair and all. She has a darker version of Ben's eyes though. We'll see if they stay that way.

Evie & Meme (French for grandma)

Ben feeding the baby. When I feed her I don't allow pictures :)
Evie & Pepe (French for Grandpa)
All dressed up. Ben insisted we need the little shoes.