Monday, September 14, 2009

The pups

So I forgot to mention an important event in our lives. Boston gained a new friend about a month ago when we got this little girl who we named Eva. She's named after the robot in WallE. She basically took over the household in about 30 seconds flat and made sure Boston knew who was boss. She's a rat terrier and only weighs about 11 lbs to Bostons 30+ lbs. Overall she's a might mouse of a dog and is definitely a huge personality in a little dog. We rescued her from a shelter and she's been bouncing around ever since. They said she's about 2 yrs old so she's a little over a year older than Boston.
If you notice I'm holding her in both pictures. That's the only way we could get her to stay still long enough to take the picture. She is one crazy little ball of energy.Here's Boston Dog looking as handsome as ever for the camera. He poses. This is his I'm curious why you're taking my picture but don't I look dignified? look. Of course he always has one ear that sticks up and one that flops over and yes he can control it. He's goofy.
Here are my pups playing you can see Eva is quite a bit smaller than Boston.
She may be little but she's a fierce little fighter when she wants something. I hope you enjoyed the pups, we sure do.

Happy Birthday Christina

Saturday was my friend Christina's Birthday so we celebrated all day long. We started the day with a hike to the timpanogos caves. It was great and a lot easier than the hike to the top of Mt. Timpanogos. Here are some picture for you viewing pleasure.
The girls on the hike minus Krystal...not sure where she was.
The three musketeers, one of which is Christina the Birthday girl.
The boys...looking crazy as always.
The hike up.
The view from the top right before you get to the caves. That's American Fork Canyon and in the distance the cities of highland and alpine?
Benji and me at the opening of the cave. Its actually to the left but we like the sign. We wanted proof we actually hiked here.
the birthday girl and her hubby.
These are all at different places in the caves. There are actually three caves with man made tunnels connecting them so you can tour all three.

This was called Jaba the hut, That flowing rock is 12 feet deep.

After the excitement of the caves we call took a break and napped/ate/showered. Then we headed for Salt Lake to go to the Greek Festival in honor of the fact Christina is in fact Greek. Unfortunately I don't have pictures of that but I did eat way too much because all the food was sooo good,

After the stuffing of ourselves we headed over to Christina's sister Liz's apartment for cake with ice cream in the middle. It was good. Definitely an all day birthday celebration.